Zende follows the 82-year-old, retired assistant commissioner of police in Mumbai, Madhukar Zende. The man who nabbed the infamous serial killer, Charles Sobhraj - Twice. But Sobhraj is only a minor part of Zende’s colorful life. Explore the history of Bombay and its various crimes spanning over 4 decades, through this iconic cop’s eyes. He is someone who brought about real change not only in this city but also in the hearts and minds of this city’s people. Though his ways were eccentric and borderline comical, they proved incredibly effective as they were executed with the purest of intentions. From parading the underworld dons on their knees to ending brutal communal riots, he proved that words and unwavering humanity hold unimaginable power. Through the tale of his equally inspiring love story, we also get to travel back to a time when real love would last a lifetime. Watch a super-cop in its truest sense, march like a hero without a holster from the city of Bombay to Mumbai.