Set in Bhubaneswar around a typical middle class family, Pratikshya is a story about dreams, desperation and aspirations. Sanjay, like every other unemployed graduate is adamant about finding a government job. Bipin, his father tries hard to convince Sanjay to do any job as his retirement is at bay. The family is already burdened with loans taken for Sanjay’s elder sisters Supriya’s wedding. The buck comes to a stop when Bipin is diagnosed with a terminal illness in the form of Pancreatic Cancer. With Bipin’s term of employment coming to an end and no signs of his getting better or demise, Sanjay becomes more exasperated. Sanjay gets to know of the Government scheme of a job getting transferred to one’s ward in case of death during tenure. A frustrated Sanjay waits for his father’s death only to realisehis ill mind. However, Bipin doesn’t survive for a changed Sanjay.