An agoraphobic artist finds her courage when the postman she flirts with through the front door has an accident on her front steps.
Movie will be followed by Q & A with Michael Das
Director : Michael Das
A British-born filmmaker and artist, Michael works between London and New York. His post-production experience spans commercials, TV, and documentaries, with "Outside Chance" marking his debut narrative short film. Currently, he's in pre-production for his second short film set in New York, where Michael's artistic vision focuses on delving into the complexities of genre and diaspora. In addition to filmmaking, he is an Art Director and Photographer with a portfolio of award-winning work.
The New York Indian
Film Festival (NYIFF) is
the oldest, most
prestigious film festival
screening premieres of
feature, documentary and
short films made from, of,
and about the Indian subcontinent in the
Independent, arthouse, alternate and diaspora
genres. Six days of screenings... READ MORE