The narrative revolves around Latika, a simple, optimistic young woman. She represents one of the countless girls whose societal norms forbid them from experiencing love, intimacy, or friendship with a man before marriage. Strangely, these same girls are expected to effortlessly transform into an experienced wife the day they get married. Mayank resides as a tenant in Latika's house, where their paths cross. She befriends Mayank, who harbors bitterness from a troubled past. Mayank finds solace and validation in Latika’s company, ultimately falling in love with her. Nonetheless, Latika's mother, burdened by her own grievances and the weight of countless responsibilities, arranges her daughter's marriage to a wealthy suitor. Latika appears to be happy in her newfound affluence, but the facade shatters when Mayank uncovers the truth about her happiness. Betrayed and disappointed by her own people, Latika strives to regain her footing. Amidst the turmoil, Latika finds herself entangled in the schemes of those around her. Her husband clings to her out of wounded pride, while her mother is consumed by fear of societal judgment, feigning an optimistic outlook that events will miraculously resolve